Groupe AWM

Today, Groupe AWM is present in two sites : Cherbourg and Lorient.

The Groupe AWM companies owns together more than 150 welding machines all calibrated by a certified third party.

Our car fleet reaches more than fifty vehicles, from light cars to heavy duty trailers. Within BST, several telescopic forklits, forklifts, carrycot up to mobile 5T crane gives us the flexibility required for your projects.

The Groupe AWM companies are capable to work all over France and internationally.

Technical references

BST applies a quality management according to the ISO 9001 system and is certified QUALIANOR RADIOPROTECTION.
The entirety of our welders is certified according to the NF EN 9606-1:2013 norm.
Our WPQRs are mainly established according to the NF EN 15614-1 reference standard.
We have more than 300 WPQRs for a wide range of alloys divided throughout the whole group:

  • Carbon steel: more than 175 WPQRs
  • Stainless steel: more than 80 WPQRs
  • Heterogenous: more than 20 WPQRs
  • Uranus: 10 WPQRs
  • Inconel: 5 WPQRs
  • Aluminum: 10 WPQRs

The group can adapt to the specifications of our different customers. We master several technical standards such as EN (13480, 13445), DESP, ASME, ASTM, NORSOK, GOST, RCCM, CODETI, DNVGL, CODAP, COFREND.


  • Rolling machines
  • Sandblasting & painting box
  • SMAW, GTAW, GMAW, FCAW welding machines
  • Plasma cutting machine
  • Water jet cutting machine
  • Hydraulic press
  • Folding machine
  • Machining center
  • Milling machines
  • Lathes
  • CN lathe
  • CN milling machine
  • Axis tubes cutting machine (up to Ø800mm)
  • Band saw
  • Punching machine
  • Straightening Press

ISO 9001:2015 Certification – Quality Management System

The ISO 9001:2015 certification indicates BST’s ability to permanently provide products and services complying with the client’s requirements and regulatory requirements

 ISO 15085-2 Certifications

This certification allows the group’s companies to carry out welding work and manufacturing for the railway sector.

EN ISO 3834-2 & EN 1090-2 Certifications

The ISO 3834-2 certification validates our organization of the welding activity and confirms that the AWM group is highly involved in the welding field.
The EN 1090-2 certification allows us to manufacture metal structures in accordance with the European directive for construction products.

Radioprotection qualianor R entreprise Certification

This certification allows BST to perform its activities in controlled areas. This Certification highlights our knowledge and respect of the regulation associated to the work with radioprotection requirements.